Thursday, February 4, 2010

Up in the Air... Left me on the Ground

  This movie went nowhere. 

Absolutely nowhere.  And although George Clooney had his characteristic debonair smile and charm oozing about... so what!  Now, don't get me wrong, I like George, I think he's great!  AND... I'd love to see him do something where he wasn't so darn "charming".  I also know that this is largely not his choice; with studios, directors and producers calling many of the shots.  However, I'd think with that kind of star power he might want to show us something different.

For all of you who are already outraged and composing your rebuttal in your minds, I will say this.  YES, George's character learned a bit.  Yes, he might want to put someone he loves in his backpack.  But really... the movie ultimately went nowhere.  I was left with a feeling of general... what's the word?  Oh yes, blah.

I would like to give a nod to the beautiful Vera Farmiga who did a lovely job with the acting in her role; she was sensitive, charming and believable.  And, the way she played the twist at the end was right on in my opinion.  Brava Vera!!

I give it one thumb to the side.  If you're super bored, or a freakish George Clooney fan, rent it.  Otherwise, it's not worth the time to type it into your Netflix account.  Sorry George.